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2023 Annual Colorectal Cancer Screening Day

Largest Gastroenterology practice in South Carolina hosts annual Colorectal Cancer Screening Day for uninsured individuals who are 45 years of age or older.

Greenville, S.C. – Friday, September 15th, 2023 15 patients received a complimentary screening colonoscopy from a board-eligible or board-certified gastroenterologist at Gastroenterology Associates. Each year Gastroenterology Associates hosts its annual Screening Day to promote Colorectal Cancer Screenings. Over 52,000 Americans die of colorectal cancer each year! In August 2020, we lost an Anderson, SC native, Chadwick Boseman, to colon cancer at 43. In December 2022 we lost the famous Kirstie Alley at the age of 71 to colon cancer.  The American Cancer Society now recommends colon cancer screenings beginning at age 45. Regular colon cancer screenings should continue through the age of 75. If you have a family history or increased risk for colorectal cancer you may need to start screenings before age 45.

Colon cancer is currently the second leading cause of cancer in women and the third leading cause of cancer in men in the United States. More astonishingly, there has been a steadily increased incidence of colorectal cancer in those under the age of 50 since 1992. The good news is that colorectal cancer is one of the few cancers where it can be detected early and removed in the precancerous stages during a colonoscopy to prevent you from having actual colorectal cancer in the future. It is important to get screened prior to developing symptoms.

Dr. Vallabh’s patient, with colon cancer, once said to him, “If I could do it all over again, I would have started earlier screening with a colonoscopy rather than go through with surgery and chemotherapy for my cancer.”

Many patients opt to have an at home test to screen for colorectal cancer but then come to our office, fearful, because the test results come back positive, making patients think they have cancer. Colonoscopy is the most accurate test for preventing and detecting colorectal cancer.

During a colonoscopy, any abnormal growths in the entire colon and the rectum can be removed.  This cannot be done with at-home stool tests and your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy following a positive result on a stool test. A colonoscopy is a safe, outpatient procedure that examines the colon, or large intestine.  The procedure itself takes approximately 15-30 minutes.

Gastroenterology Associates opened in 1978 with two doctors. As the largest and most experienced gastroenterology practice in South Carolina, we provide the latest diagnostic testing and treatment with 22 Physicians and 11 Advanced Practice Providers. We have easy access to high-level care with five offices and three endoscopy centers in the Upstate.

Our endoscopy centers offer a cost-effective alternative for outpatient procedures, including colonoscopy. Most insurance plans cover a screening colonoscopy at the age of 45 at 100%.  If you are uninsured a colonoscopy is still an important part of your preventative care. At Gastroenterology Associates we offer the most affordable option to help you get access to this life-saving procedure.  Our ambulatory surgery centers can save individuals thousands of dollars compared to a hospital setting.

During Screening Day this year, 15 patients received free screening colonoscopies. Of those 15 patients, 11 patients had colon polyps removed. 5 of the patients had tubular adenomas and 1 patient had a sessile serrated polyp. These polyps are your body’s early warning system for colorectal cancer. Anyone can develop precancerous polyps and it’s extremely important to have them removed before it’s too late. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat.  By the time symptoms appear, cancer may have begun to spread.

At Gastroenterology Associates we are committed to providing the highest quality care at the most affordable cost.  We encourage all individuals to take the necessary steps to schedule their routine screenings and make their health a priority. It is important to remember that your doctor does not necessarily think you have cancer if he or she suggests a screening test or procedure.

To learn more about scheduling a screening colonoscopy, visit Our convenient open access program makes it easy and convenient to schedule your Colon Cancer Screening.

Patients DO NOT need a referral from their primary care doctor to schedule a screening colonoscopy.  Help us decrease the number of deaths from this disease by scheduling your Colorectal Cancer Screening.

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